The Japan Society of Logopedics and Phoniatrics

The Japan Journal of Logopedics and Phoniatrics
2015 Vol.56 No.2 (April)



Impact of Hearing Impairment in the Elderly and Potential for Promising Developments  143  

Yasue Uchida

Psychological Clinical Features and Treatment of Functional Hearing Loss in Children
-View of a Psychotherapist-  148  

Michiko Ashitani


Relationships between Collaborative Narrative Production and Metaplay Communication in Social Play of Hearing-Impaired Children  154

Shigehiro Oohara and Eiko Hirota

Acoustic Parameters during Phonation in Children  166  

Akifumi Okuda, Fumi Tamai and Osamu Shiromoto

Kana Training for Children with Developmental Dyslexia Using the By-Passing Method
-Case Series Study Based on the Mechanism Underlying the Disorder, its Effectiveness, and Adaptation-  171  

Akira Uno, Noriko Haruhara, Masato Kaneko, Takashi Goto,
Noriko Awaya and Junko Kozuka

Vocal Fold Vibration Changes with Resonance Tube Method  180  

Kazuhiko Minami, Hagino Maruyama and Tomoyuki Haji

Case Reports

Application of Electro-Laryngeal Speech to Prelingual State Infants with Long-Term Tracheostomy  186  

Satoko Kasai, Eiko Tamashige, Noriko Nishizawa and Satoshi Fukuda

Sudden Onset Psychogenic Stuttering in an Elderly Patient -A Case Report-  192  

Shinichi Taniai, Naoshi Maeara, Nobuaki Tanaka, Takaomi Kurioka,
Masayuki Tomifuji, Koji Araki and Akihiro Shiotani